Has anyone told you that you are not smart enough? Or possibly told you that those dreams of yours are not going to happen. Meet Dr. Karen Hurula, she is an overcomer who offers life experience and training that make her both unique and a needed voice for the church. She grew up a missionaries kid in Mexico, surviving an earthquake, studying several languages, and being labeled “not smart enough” to fulfill her dream of being a psychologist. She developed an identity that was culturally complex, never quite fitting into the molds expected of her, as a pastor’s kid and eventually as a pastor’s wife. After having three children, she finally silenced the voices of self-doubt in her mind and pursued her dream, earning her doctorate in psychology, and a master’s degree in theology.
"Karen, I think you are depressed."
This statement was such a shock to Karen who just thought she was in the throws of mothering a baby. However, she was able to learn more about what she was feeling and eventually see how God used that later in her career and care for others. Listen to how Karen pushed past these internal thoughts about not being smart enough and redeemed those moments to help others today.
Conversation Points
Growing up as a missionary's kid in Mexico
Pursuing your doctorate later in life
Understanding her own Post Part-um depression and the feelings around it
Figuring out her passion didn't leave her
Juggling being a stay at mom and going back to school
Permission to talk about how she felt isolated to others
High functioning Depressed People is possible
How can we support those around us in curiousity
How has reflection has been under-valued
Reflection Questions
"We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.” - John Dewey
1. In what ways can you be curious with a friend or a loved one to ask them questions about how they are "really" doing.
2.Karen shared about the importance of reflection, talk to the Holy Spirit and see where God was in your life? Or maybe how you chose to play God in your own life?
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